Frequently Asked Questions

To answer a few of your burning questions...

Where is the sign-up button?

pupilsforum-esl prides itself in the quality content it's Creatives continually produce. To maintain this quality in the community, DesignersCouch has decided to accept membership by invitation-only. While in previous years it's managers have made the decisions on who should be allowed in, we have now put the task on our Creatives. We believe that with a community of excellence that we've founded, our Creatives will take it upon themselves to maintain our standards.


Who are Experts?

Experts are community-decided Creatives that continually share constructive critiques and insightful Answers.


Why is it required for critiques to be over 140 characters?

We believe in honest, open, and constructive criticism. While you can get the normal "Good job!" comment from your family and friends, we encourage Creatives' critiques to be insightful through our 140 character minimum. We realize this may reduce the amount comments you may get on any given design, but we figure the ones you do get make up for the ones that don't in depth.


What are Collections?

Collections are designs compiled by Creatives as a source of inspiration. Collections can be a single design or an entire collection - it's up to you!


Why aren't my designs appearing in the Gallery?

Because of our high standard for quality, we only show approved (or "Published") designs in our public gallery for those who are not logged in.


Why does my status say 'Apprentice'?

An Apprentice is a new Creative who has recently joined via invite by another Creative.


How do designs get published?

Designs by Creative Pros are automatically published. Designs by Apprentices are published by Creative Pros or the pupilsforum-esl team.


How do I become a Creative Pro?

Creative Pros are hand-picked members from the community by the community using a specially design algorithm. Creative Pros are members that show dedication and passion towards helping the community grow through their activity. Last of all, Creative Pros never ask to be Creative Pros, the community decides.


What are the benefits of Creative Pro?

Creative Pros enjoy a number of benefits that includes: instant publication of their designs, ability to publish the work of others and profile listing in creative directory.


How can I invite a fellow creative?

Only Creative Pros can invite fellow creatives and their invites are limited to 10 per month.


How does the featured designer program works?

The Featured Designer program is where the pupilsforum-esl team selects a designer every month to be Featured on our main page. In addition to being featured, the designer is also interviewed on our blog which is mentioned across our social network and newsletter. To us, it's the ultimate way to give maximum exposure to Creatives who deserve it.

Being featured is not by request. It requires having an outstanding portfolio and being active in the pupilsforum-esl community.


What is 'Critique This Design'?

Critique This Design is our critique program where we offer incentives for critiquing. We randomly select several designs every month and everyone who offered up critiques for those designs are entered into a contest for a great prize! Winners are chosen randomly. Learn more here.


How can I contribute?

We appreciate the contributions of our Creatives, and without their support the community wouldn't be what it is. By just being active within the Gallery (posting designs and critiques), the Answer forums and Collections is a great contribution. But if you're looking to do a little more, we're always looking for creative writers and community directors to make this place a better community. If you're interested, contact James Costa.


What's 'Connect' under Settings?

Connect is a way to extend pupilsforum-esl with your other social networks like Twitter and Flickr. This allows your followers to see what you're up to via our TwitterBoard or their own activity dashboard.


How can I turn off e-mail notifications?

Please visit settings and go to preferences to adjust these settings.


Random Creatives From the Couch

  • Trung L.
  • Diego L.
  • Julian J.
  • Aurelien R.
  • Phil S.
  • Igor D.
  • Jason L.
  • David C.
  • 16,538

  • 7,369

  • 190

  • 3,268

  • 220


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Copyright 2010 pupilsforum-esl. All designs © to their respective owners.