pupilsforum-esl is a closely knit community of real designers both aspiring and professional. We created this platform to encourage creativity, sharing of knowledge in design networking with other designers. We invite you to make your mark here and get involved in an engaging experience. We do have a few rules to ensure the experience is the same for everyone which we'll enforce along with DesignersCouch's Terms of Service.
People will respect you more, engage with you more often, and treat you like a real person if you use your actual identity here. We encourage you to add factual data about yourself in your profile because it will benefit you in the long run.
pupilsforum-esl is designed for discovery, direct involvement, and personal recognition. Connect with people around your mutual interests. Talk about what you care about, share your thoughts and opinions in design. You'll gain recognition for it.
We're into transparency, honesty, and truth. Don't misrepresent yourself or lie about your identity, affiliations, or age. This community is based on the contributions of real people who put their reputations on the line. Be one of them. Ask tough questions and reward the candor of others.
Please, no blonde jokes — or any words or images that come at the expense of others. Be sensitive to other users around you, and, in general, don't post sexual or violent material. Those things kill conversations, just like in real life. We will remove offensive comments, critiques or designs and band repeat offenders.
At pupilsforum-esl, gone are the days of deconstructive critiques in design. Our system is designed not to support the one sentence comment like, 'nice design, keep it up'. In our opinion, that's not useful. We ask that you embrace this feature by posting thoughtful, insightful and constructive critiques.
Note: People often associate the word 'critique' with negativity but be assured that being critical means highlighting the positive in something as well. So make your critique a balance of both. If there's just one, that's fine. Remember if it's all negative, it might come across as being mean so put thought into your critique, be polite, be constructive.
Make this community a rich experience by offering your thoughts and insights on design to everyone. Your answer may be the ideal solution to someone's painful problems. DesignersCouch built a platform to encourage this through sharing articles, engaging in discussions and critiques on design.
If you come across content that is degrading the value and purpose of this community, report them. We take these matters seriously and if we agree, members will be banned or suspended indefinitely.
We take "ripping" content, and posting things that aren't yours very serious. This punishable offence can end up in a Creative's suspension. Anyone in violation of another person's (or company's) intellectual property will result in membership being terminated and reported.
We ask that you do not create such accounts to game the system or harass fellow members. Any attempt to create multiple accounts will lead to suspension of your membership.
Show how creative you are, but don’t blatantly promote yourself, your products, or anyone else’s. You know what we mean.
We value every Creative because you're the source of our community. However, if you can't work within the above guidelines, then you're more than welcome to leave. We'll miss you but it's better you leave happy than stay and be unhappy. We would appreciate if you let us know of your departure.
Thank you for considering these guidelines in which we placed careful thought into through research of other community guidelines. We certainly don't want to come across as being too restrictive but to ensure a rich experience we feel it's necessary. If you have any concerns or thoughts on our guidelines, please contact us.
- Damian Madray, Founder.