The client want me to go experimental on his band website. So i design this to look loke a flash-based site but it isn't. The site is done by css/html and some jquery code.
Great use of color clouds in the baclkground, I like everything about this design. The typography is very stylish and well chosen. Organization of things, like the navigation on the right and large typography continuing after center text block gives a special feel to the design.
I would only make the huge fonts GAMMANIAC GALLER..... transparent or smaller. Looks good as a whole, but try reading the small typography without distraction.
Kudos again with a fluid, nice design! This design is a good candidate to be converted into a WP theme I think. At first glance I almost thought it was a wp theme design you made, but then i read your Description ;-)
If your client approves of the design I would go to the "trouble" of making it a wp theme so that the client more easily can update their own info.. that is unless you make a update subscription plan with them so you earn more over time :-) Bands typically need to update their Tour/gigs pages themeselves.. atleast I would no longer do that for any band pages I have made.. to much hassle, and they are typically lousy payers ;-) (my own experience making the previous site for Pagan's Mind)
I agree with Damian as to the nice use of purples and font. It's ofcourse impossible to say if the style fits the band without hearing their music.. But that's another story all together ;-)
yes, i want to make it a wp theme, but unfortunately i work with another coder, he want to use joomla, so we'll see how this website ended. The good news is the client already liked the design, i'm still waiting for my coder to make it online :)
Nice type! What font is that for navigation? The colours, layout and design is nice. In fact it's a very unique use of purple, not to bright, not to dull. I like it.
3 CritiquesThoughts from the Community